Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Prosperity Gospel

I have always had a problem with the concept of a "prosperity Gospel," associating it with media millionaires like Robert Tilton, who sold the idea along with prayer cloths that would bring healing to those who sent in their donation or "seed-faith" offering. Am I right to be cynical? Is becoming wealthy really a sign that we are doing God's will?

I find the concept disturbing. When did money and power become associated with being a follower of the Father? By the way, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with "follower of mine" it should be "follower like me" --of the Father. But it's too late to change that, I suppose.
But I digress.

So, Jay, What is the problem with seeing prosperity as a gift from God?

Jay? Really? When people who describe themselves as ministers of my word build walls between themselves and the people I would have them serve, then there's a problem.

What kind of walls?

Well, you have the literal walls of large buildings with security police and body guards. And you have the material walls of excessive wealth and property. And then you have the spiritual walls of claiming to have absolute knowledge of God and absolute knowledge of God's Truth.

But aren't you the Way to the Truth? And if they are ministers of the Bible...

If I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, why is it that those who claim to be closest to me have the least understanding of who I am?

Maybe they do in their heart?

Is that enough? Did I sit around feeling loving feelings in my heart? And how are other people meant to follow these ministers if they can't see the Truth in how they live? No one can read another person's heart, only the Father can do that.

But perhaps what they see, the big cars, large houses, expensive suits is EXACTLY what they want.

Then that is fine. But don't wrap it up as Christianity. It is not pure or virtuous; it is consumerism. Nothing less. They are worshipping the almighty dollar not the Almighty. And they are making "God" part of their sales pitch. A wise man once wrote, "Better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest." Proverbs 16:8.

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